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We wanted to assure you that we will make health and safety our upmost priority for your children. We will be following the below Safety Procedures throughout our summer camp:


  • Each cabin will be limited to a total of 10 people, per the CDC recommendation.

  • Staff will deep clean and sanitize our school throughout the day. In addition, we will have custodial staff to sanitize surfaces on a daily basis.

  • Each child will receive an overall health check upon arrival including a temperature check. If your child shows signs of a cold and/or fever, they will be sent home.

  • Children will wash their hands upon arrival and throughout the day. Each classroom will have hand sanitizer available. 

  • All parents/siblings will be welcomed at the front gate and we will escort your child to class and/or get your child from class. Please understand our desire is to minimize our exposure. Once this season passes, parents will be welcomed.

  • Our Health Policy has now been revised. Children who are sent home for a health reason will need to stay home for 48 hours after the symptoms disappear (ie fever free for 48 hours in lieu of 24 hours). Please partner with us and do not send your child to school if they are showing ANY signs of sickness. 

  • In the event that a student or staff member tests positive for Coronavirus, summer camp will close for 14 days for a quarantine period. 

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